User Liability & Name Restriction

The KCOA invites the active participation of users on the blog of its site However, users acknowledge that they assume full responsibility for what they publish on the KCOA site.

KCOA welcomes users to choose their preferred registration First Name, Last Name and Username, as available. However, KCOA requires that any single user registers under only one First Name, Last Name and Username. Hence, multiple First Name, Last Name and Username are not allowed for any given user.


KCOA Disclaimer

The Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture and Agroecology in Africa (KCOA) is a global project that has been commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of Germany. It has been implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with its partners (“KCOA Partners”) listed here below.

The website has been compiled by the GIZ and KCOA Partners with diligence. Nevertheless, the GIZ and KCOA Partners give no guarantee that the information provided is up-to-date, accurate, complete or error-free. The GIZ and KCOA Partners accept no liability for damage or loss that could arise directly or indirectly from the use of this website.

The GIZ and KCOA Partners expressly reserves the right to modify, append and delete the website, in part or in whole, without prior notice; or to halt publication completely or for a limited period.

The website contains informative blog articles that can be posted by users. The GIZ and KCOA Partners assume no responsibility for the accuracy of any content posted on the blog. The responsibility always lies with the respective user-writer.

KCOA Partners collect, validate and disseminate information along the organic agriculture value chain in order to promote organic agriculture in Africa. As such, they endeavour to provide high quality Knowledge Products (KP). KP are technical and methodological products that serve education, training, extension, policy dialogue, communication and awareness raising on organic agriculture. KP contain information on organic agriculture and agroecology.

KCOA Partners are committed to ensuring that the information on this website is faithful to the principles of organic agriculture and that it was legally and ethically collected and disseminated. Nevertheless, the GIZ and KCOA Partners do not assume any responsibility for the usage being made of the information and the results obtained doing so. Users of the information are free to utilise it in accordance to their own judgement and at their own risk.

KP are provided to you “as is/as are”. Neither the GIZ, KCOA Partners, their employees, nor anyone associated with this information shall be liable for any loss, damage or inconvenience, including loss of profits, revenues or intellectual property; directly or indirectly caused or alleged to be caused by the use of, or the inability to use the information on the KCOA website,; or any other mean of dissemination used by the GIZ and KCOA Partners, including, but not restricted to, leaflets, posters, factsheets, training material, drawings, graphics, pictures, videos or audio recordings.

Furthermore, KCOA Partners cannot guarantee that their services will be uninterrupted or error-free.

The GIZ and KCOA Partners assume no responsibility for the content and availability of third-party websites accessed via links on The inclusion of third-party links should neither be taken as an endorsement of any kind of said website and third parties by the GIZ and KCOA Partners; nor any association with its owners and operators. Responsibility for the content of the sites external to always lies with their respective publishers and owners.

List of KCOA Partners

Knowledge Hub Southern Africa (KHSA)


South Africa



Knowledge Hub North Africa (KHNA)



  • Fédération Interprofessionnelle Marocaine de la Filière Bio (FIMABIO,


Knowledge Hub Eastern Africa (KHEA)






Knowledge Hub West Africa (KHWA)


  • Environnement Développement Action pour la Protection Naturelle des Terroirs

(ENDA Pronat,

  • Fédération Nationale pour l’Agriculture Biologique (FENAB,




Knowledge Hub Central Africa (KHCA)


African Union

Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative (EOA-I) Secretariat : HOME – EOAI-AFRICA