The 5th African Organic Conference (AOC) was held at Marriot Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda from 12 – 15, December 2023 under the theme “Strengthening Resilient and Sustainable Food Systems in Africa Through Organic Agriculture “. It was hosted by ROAM the CIP under the KCOA Project and it was a huge success, drawing approximately 350 attendees in person and virtually. KCOA-trained multipliers were among the exhibitors, taking advantage of a special opportunity to showcase a wide variety of organic products.
Multipliers from East and West Africa Knowledge Hubs proudly displayed a range of products including organic coffee, macadamia, bio-pesticides, bio-fertilizers, essential oils, peanut butter, dried mushrooms, honey, chili, turmeric powder, and cosmetics.
Delegates were very excited to get detailed information on the exhibited products, others were buying, and ordering as the products were attractive.

The 5th AOC was also an opportunity for multipliers to network with conference delegates as well as sharing experience during different sessions and presentations made in the conference. This kind of continental opportunity, is meant to strengthen market linkages across countries and boost organic sector on the African continent.

The KCOA support to multipliers and different CIPs representatives contributed a lot to knowledge and experience sharing, networking, and market linkages as well as advocating for the promotion of Agroecology/Organic Agriculture in African countries

The story has been carefully edited and reviewed by the ROAM (Rwanda Organic Agriculture Movement) team.
Uploaded by ROAM Communication officer “Diane Mukantwari “

Author: Diane Mukantwari
I am Diane Mukantwari, a Rwandese communication specialist at ROAM (Rwanda Organic Agriculture Movement)...