Organic Agriculture Africa Blog

From Personal Tragedy to Agricultural Triumph: The Inspirational Journey of Lokmene Taher

Facilitating a Forest Garden Design Session for Young Organic Farming Enthusiasts

Lokmene Taher: a Tunisian Rural Service Provider within the KHNA Project


Since 2010: A Father's Battle with Cancer Sparks a Lifelong Commitment to Organic Farming

In 2010, during his preparatory studies in Biology and Geology, Lokmene Taher faced a life-altering challenge that would shape his future. As he returned home to prepare for the crucial National Exam, he was met with the devastating news that his father, his lifelong mentor and source of strength, had been diagnosed with a severe form of cancer. The illness progressed rapidly, and his father was hospitalized, battling for his life. This heartbreaking period marked a profound turning point for Lokmene, forcing him to reevaluate his goals and purpose in life.

As an aspiring agricultural engineer, Lokmene had always been passionate about sustainable agriculture. However, his father’s illness ignited a deep, personal commitment to promoting health and well-being through organic farming. What was once a preference for organic produce became an unwavering obligation—a mission to ensure that the food he helped produce would nourish rather than harm.

Determined to make a difference, Lokmene embarked on a journey to transform conventional farming practices into organic methods. This transition was no easy feat; it required a significant shift in mindset, an adaptation to new conditions, and the acquisition of specialized knowledge and skills. But Lokmene was resolute. His vision extended beyond personal success; he aimed to foster a healthier, more sustainable world.

Believing that true fulfillment could not be achieved through traditional employment alone, Lokmene decided to create his own path. He founded an agricultural consulting firm with a special focus on sustainable agriculture, including organic farming and permaculture. His goal was to empower others with the knowledge and tools needed to embrace organic practices.

From Heartbreak to Harvest: The Steps That Transformed His Life

Through the KHNA project, Lokmene received extensive training that enhanced his expertise in organic farming production techniques, pest and disease management, leadership, and group dynamics. These skills enabled him to take his mission a step further by raising awareness about the importance of organic farming and healthy eating within his community.

Lokmene’s passion for educating others led him to establish an organic farming club for schoolchildren and their parents. He organized a variety of activities, including information sessions, the creation of a forest garden at a primary school, the broadcast of a children’s story about organic farming, and support for local promoters in setting up organic projects.

Today, Lokmene Taher is not just an agricultural engineer but a visionary leader in sustainable agriculture, a green entrepreneurship coach, and a global sustainability ambassador. His story is a testament to the power of personal resolve, the impact of sustainable practices, and the belief that even in the face of tragedy, one can cultivate a legacy of positive change.


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This article was edited by Dr. Najla Dhen, Digital Knowledge Officer and Rural Service Provider Coach within the Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture in North Africa (KHNA) Project. She is a postdoctoral researcher with a PhD in Plant Production, specializing in Organic Agriculture.”

Author: Khaoula MOKRANI

My name is Khaoula Mokrani. I am a Doctor in “Agronomic Sciences” speciality “Biotechnology and Plant Production”. I am currently the Regional Knowledge Manager in the global project “Knowledge Center for Organic Agriculture in Africa “KCOA”, within the Technical Center for Organic Agriculture in Tunisia (CTAB). My main role is to collect, validate and prepare traditional and scientific knowledge in Organic Agriculture, in particular, the production, processing and marketing of organic products and also to participate in the creation of a digital knowledge platform relates to Nor

The Organic Agriculture Africa Blog features sustainable farming practices and organic solutions tailored for African farmers. It addresses unique challenges like soil health, crop protection, water conservation and much more with practical strategies.
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